Aging Society
HOME Five Key Tasks Aging Society
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key tasks for co-constructing
happy retirement lives
1. We design a multi-pillar post-retirement income security system!
- Strengthen the roles of public pension in post-retirement income security
- Promote and strengthen the effectiveness of private pension
- Reinforce the social safety net including the National Basic Living Security Act
Current Progress
Guarantee stable post-retirement income by raising the basic pension
- Increase the pension up to KRW 300,000 per month for low-income seniors (the bottom 20%) (Apr. 2019)
Ensure all people are enrolled in National Pension
- Expand insurance premium support for small businesses, low-income workers, farmers, and fishermen
- Support security of the National Pension period of women experiencing career disruption and the unemployed
Boost retirement and private pensions (2019)
- Improve access to “good pension products” by announcing the comparative data of the products
Phase out the criteria for obligatory providers in the National Basic Living Security Act (2019)
- Abolish the criteria for obligatory providers of National Basic Living Security Act in cases of recipients of disability pension and basic pension, single-parent families, and children leaving care
2. We support new beginning for the new middle age!
- - Expand job opportunities for the new middle age through laying the foundation of “the Third Age”
- Improve the infrastructure for supporting fresh starts of the new middle age to ensure active retirement lives
Current Progress
Work for long periods in a primary workplace
- Expand the criteria for subsidies for reduction in working hours to personal reasons such as illness and care
Provide life career design programs and promote unretirement
- Create more occupations suitable for the new middle age (213 occupations) and subsidies for employment (5,000 recipients)
- Expand opportunities for long-term training for employment and start-up
Provide more job opportunities for retirees
- Create local jobs for experienced retirees in the new middle age (2500 jobs) and expand support for middle age social contribution activities (10,000 recipients)
- Install additional New Farmer Houses (70 houses) and New Fishermen Schools and provide jobs in forestry (15,000 jobs in 14 occupations)
Improve the infrastructure to support a new start of the new middle age
- Provide one-stop services from training to counseling and follow-up management
- Actively implement big-data-based job recommendation services
3. We expand opportunities for social participation of seniors!
- Support 800,000 elderly job creation
- Expand opportunities for elderly leisure activities and training programs
Current Progress
Create more elderly jobs
- Create more elderly jobs (510,000 in 2018 → 610,000 in 2019)
- Develop social service jobs for professional retirees such as lawyers, social workers, and HR specialists
- Foster private sector job creation including market- and dispatched-type employment (goal: 102,000 jobs in 2019)
Expand opportunities for elderly leisure activities
- Raise the allowance of the integrated culture card (Munhwanuri Card) (KRW 70,000 per person annually → KRW 80,000 per person annually)
- Support cultural facilities and organizations and tailored culture programs for the elderly (260 programs)
- Support culture and art programs at senior welfare service centers (320 programs)
Strengthen the foundation of elderly training programs
- Reinforce literacy education support such as supporting adult literacy education institutions, dispatching professors, and supplying materials for free
- Strengthen support for real-life-related literacy education including finance, health, and citizen participation
4. We ensure preparation for good end-of-life planning!
- Lay the foundation for a dignified end-of-life
- Actively respond to elderly suicide prevention
- Support programs to encourage social participation and active social relations for elderly people living alone
Current Progress
Promote hospice care and life sustaining treatment systems
- Establish more hospice care centers and raise usage rates by diversifying services
- Reform Act on Decisions on Life-Sustaining Treatment such as by expanding the range of life-sustaining treatments and redefining what constitutes a pa
Review development of a system to support end-of-life planning
- Find ways to develop a system to support a better end-of-life
Strengthen measures to prevent elderly suicide and provide support for bereaved families
- Support reclusive seniors living alone to foster social relations and provide support for independence of the elderly just starting to live alone
- Enhance support for the elderly attempting suicide, and develop a one-stop support model for bereaved families and promote a pilot project
5. We build a community-centered healthcare environment!
- Guarantee healthcare service by improving National Health Insurance
- Reinforce in-home care services by promoting integrated care within communities (Community Care)
- Strengthen public long-term care facilities and improve service quality
- Create a residential environment to ensure safe and peaceful retirement lives
Current Progress
Guarantee healthcare services by expanding the coverage of National Health Insurance
- Expand the coverage of National Health Insurance for the medical vulnerable such as the elderly
- Fund total KRW 3 billion for knee replacement surgery of 2,182 low-income elderly (2019)
Foster the National Responsibility for Dementia System
- Operate dementia care centers at 256 public health centers and 6 hospitals across the nation
- Install dedicated wards for dementia at 50 public long-term care hospitals and designate and operate dementia care hospitals
Reinforce in-home care services by promoting integrated care within communities (Community Care)
- Designate and implement pilot projects regarding Community Care and chronic disease management in primary medical care centers (2019)
Create a residential environment for safe and peaceful retirement lives
- Supply 1,313 elderly welfare housing units in 12 areas and provide additional financial support of KRW 500,000 for accommodation installation (2019)
- Provide public buses to transportation blind spots and improve the public transportation system